Available Methods
DataTools.Capture.Address.Predictive.AuNzPaf.SearchAddressYou can use this method when you have the start of an address you wish to search against the Australian and New Zealand PAFs. This method is perfect for Predictive Search rapid address capture.
DataTools.Capture.Address.Predictive.AuPaf.RetrieveAddressYou can use this method to retrieve full address details from the Australian PAF for record IDs prefixed with 'AuPaf'.
DataTools.Capture.Address.Predictive.AuPaf.RetrieveAddressBureauSame as the standard AuPaf.RetreiveAddress method with the additional payment of Australia Post bureau royalty. Please note additional reporting is also required when processing bureau transactions.
DataTools.Capture.Address.Predictive.AuPaf.SearchAddressYou can use this method when you have the start of an address you wish to search against the Australian PAF. This method is perfect for Predictive Search rapid address capture.
DataTools.Capture.Address.Predictive.CaPaf.RetrieveAddressYou can use this method to retrieve full address details from the Canada Post PAF for record IDs prefixed with 'CaPaf'.
DataTools.Capture.Address.Predictive.CaPaf.SearchAddressYou can use this method when you have the start of a Canadian address you wish to search against the Canada Post PAF. This method is perfect for Predictive Search rapid address capture.
DataTools.Capture.Address.Predictive.Gnaf.RetrieveAddressYou can use this method to retrieve full address details from the Australian GNAF data for record IDs prefixed with 'Gnaf'.
DataTools.Capture.Address.Predictive.Gnaf.RetrieveGeocodeYou can use this method to retrieve the geocode from the Australian GNAF data for record IDs prefixed with 'Gnaf'.
DataTools.Capture.Address.Predictive.Gnaf.SearchAddressYou can use this method when you have the start of an address you wish to search against the Australian GNAF data. This method is perfect for Predictive Search rapid address capture.
DataTools.Capture.Address.Predictive.IntPca.RetrieveAddressYou can use this method to retrieve full international address details for record IDs prefixed with 'IntPca'.
DataTools.Capture.Address.Predictive.IntPca.SearchAddressYou can use this method when you have the start of an international address you wish to search against international address sources for validation. This method is perfect for Predictive Search rapid address capture.
DataTools.Capture.Address.Predictive.Nzad.RetrieveAddressYou can use this method to retrieve full address details from the New Zealand NZAD for record IDs prefixed with 'Nzad'.
DataTools.Capture.Address.Predictive.Nzad.RetrieveGeocodeYou can use this method to retrieve the geocode from the New Zealand NZAD data for record IDs prefixed with 'Nzad'.
DataTools.Capture.Address.Predictive.Nzad.SearchAddressYou can use this method when you have the start of an address you wish to search against the New Zealand NZAD data. This method is perfect for Predictive Search rapid address capture.
DataTools.Capture.Address.Predictive.NzPaf.RetrieveAddressYou can use this method to retrieve full address details from the New Zealand PAF for record IDs prefixed with 'NzPaf'.
DataTools.Capture.Address.Predictive.NzPaf.SearchAddressYou can use this method when you have the start of an address you wish to search against the New Zealand PAF. This method is perfect for Predictive Search rapid address capture.
DataTools.Capture.Address.Predictive.UkPaf.RetrieveAddressYou can use this method to retrieve full address details from the Royal Mail PAF for record IDs prefixed with 'UkPaf'.
DataTools.Capture.Address.Predictive.UkPaf.SearchAddressYou can use this method when you have the start of a UK address you wish to search against the Royal Mail PAF. This method is perfect for Predictive Search rapid address capture.
DataTools.Capture.Address.Reverse.AuPaf.RetrieveLocalityDefaultPostcodeYou can use this method when you after a default postcode for an Australian locality
DataTools.Capture.Address.Reverse.AuPaf.RetrieveLocalityPostcodesYou can use this method to retrieve the list of postcodes for an Australian locality
DataTools.Capture.Address.Reverse.AuPaf.SearchLocalityYou can use this method when you have the start of an locality you wish to search against the Australian PAF.
DataTools.Capture.Address.Reverse.AuPaf.SearchPostcodeYou can use this method when you have a postcode you wish to search against the Australian PAF.
DataTools.Capture.BusinessName.Search.AuAbr.SearchBusinessNameYou can use this method to search business names using the Australia Government ABN Lookup service. Users must create an account with ABR in order to access this service. Visit http://abr.business.gov.au for more details.
DataTools.Capture.BusinessName.Search.Nzbr.SearchBusinessNameUse this method to search the New Zealand Business Name register of business entities. Currently this includes all entities from the Companies Register, with further types to be added in future when enabling legislation has passed. Users must create an account with MBIE in order to access this service. Visit http://api.business.govt.nz/ for more details.
DataTools.Parse.Address.Au.ParseUse to parse Australian Addresses
DataTools.Parse.PersonName.ParseUse to parse people's names
DataTools.Verify.Address.Au.VerifyRepairAndStandardiseAddressUse to search an address against the Australian PAF using Australia Post's Batch rules. This method will return a single correct address match otherwise an error explaining why a match could not be found. This method requires no user interaction.
DataTools.Verify.Address.AuPaf.VerifyAddressUse to search an address against the Australian PAF using Australia Post's Batch rules. This method will return a single correct address match otherwise an error explaining why a match could not be found. This method requires no user interaction.
DataTools.Verify.Address.AuPaf.VerifyAddressBureauSame as the standard VerifyAddress method with the additional payment of Australia Post bureau royalty. Please note additional reporting is also required when processing bureau transactions.
DataTools.Verify.Address.IntGdc.VerifyAddressYou can use this method to verify full addresses against a variety of International address sources.
DataTools.Verify.Address.NzPaf.VerifyAddressUse to search an address against the New Zealand PAF using New Zealand Post's Batch rules. This method will return a single correct address match otherwise an error explaining why a match could not be found. This method requires no user interaction.
DataTools.Verify.AsicNumber.AuAbr.VerifyAsicNumberUse this method to search for Australian business details using the ASIC Number
DataTools.Verify.AustralianBusinessNumber.AuAbr.VerifyAbnUse this method to search for Australian business details using the ABN
DataTools.Verify.Bsb.AuApca.VerifyBsbYou can use this method to search and verify Australian financial institution BSB information.
DataTools.Verify.Email.BriteVerify.VerifyEmailYou can use this method to validate email addresses
DataTools.Verify.PhoneNumber.Equifax.VerifyPhoneNumberIsConnectedUse this method to verify an Australian or New Zealand phone number
DataTools.Verify.PhoneNumber.NumVerify.VerifyPhoneNumberUse this method to verify the format of an international phone number
DataTools.Repair.Address.AuPaf.RepairAddressUse to repair an address that can't be found in the PAF. This method will return a single address with correction where possible. This method requires no user interaction.
DataTools.Repair.Address.AuPaf.RepairAddressBureauSame as the standard RepairAddress method with the additional payment of Australia Post bureau royalty. Please note additional reporting is also required when processing bureau transactions.
DataTools.Repair.Address.AuPaf.ReturnAddressSuggestionsUse to search for address suggestions against the Australian PAF using Australia Post's Rapid rules. This method will return multiple address suggestions closely matching the input address. This method requires user interaction to verify if a correct address match was found.
DataTools.Match.Address.Au.CreateKeysUse to generate match keys used to fuzzy match addresses.
DataTools.Match.BusinessName.CreateKeysUse to generate match keys used to fuzzy match business names.
DataTools.Match.BusinessNameAndAddress.Au.CreateKeysUse to generate match keys used to fuzzy match business name and address.
DataTools.Match.PersonName.CreateKeysUse to generate match keys used to fuzzy match people's names.
DataTools.Match.PersonNameAndAddress.Au.CreateKeysUse to generate match keys used to fuzzy match people's names and address.
DataTools.Enhance.Address.Geocoding.Gnaf.Au.AppendToAddressUse to geocode Australian addresses with the G-NAF dataset
DataTools.Enhance.Address.Geocoding.Gnaf.Au.AppendToDpidUse to geocode Australian addresses using a DPID with the G-NAF dataset
DataTools.Enhance.Address.Geocoding.Linz.Nz.AppendToAddressUse to geocode New Zealand addresses with the LINZ dataset
DataTools.Enhance.Address.PermissionsAndDelivery.AuPost.AppendToAddressUse to retrieve information relating to the permissions and deliverability of an Australian address.
DataTools.Enhance.Address.PermissionsAndDelivery.AuPost.AppendToDpidUse to retrieve information relating to the permissions and deliverability of a DPID associated with an Australian address.
DataTools.Enhance.Address.SuppressionDeceased.AuPost.AppendToAddressUse to retrieve information indicating when someone has passed away at an Australian address.
DataTools.Enhance.Address.SuppressionDeceased.AuPost.AppendToDpidUse to retrieve information indicating when someone has passed away at a DPID associated with an Australian address.
DataTools.Enhance.Address.SuppressionMoved.AuPost.AppendToAddressUse to retrieve information indicating when someone has moved from an Australian address.
DataTools.Enhance.Address.SuppressionMoved.AuPost.AppendToDpidUse to retrieve information of when someone has moved from a DPID associated with an Australian address.
DataTools.Enhance.Barcode.AusPost.Create4StateBarcodeUse this method to generate the Australia Post 4-state barcode numbers from a DPID
DataTools.Batch.CancelJobUse this method to cancel a batch job.
DataTools.Batch.CreateJobUse this method to create a job.
DataTools.Batch.DeleteJobInputFilesUse this method to delete Job files.
DataTools.Batch.DeleteJobResultFilesUse this method to delete Job files.
DataTools.Batch.ExecuteJobUse this method to execute a job.
DataTools.Batch.RetrieveBatchMethodParameterDescriptionsUse this method to retrieve Batch Method's parameter descriptions.
DataTools.Batch.RetrieveBatchMethodResultFieldDescriptionsUse this method to retrieve Batch Method's result field descriptions.
DataTools.Batch.RetrieveJobStatusUse this method to retrieve current job status.
DataTools.Batch.RetrieveProcessRequestBatchMethodsUse this method to retrieve current list of avialable batch methods.
DataTools.Batch.RetrieveResultFilesUse this method to retrieve result file/s.
DataTools.Batch.RetrieveUploadEndpointUse this method to retrieve the endpoint for uploading file.